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There are more competitive Amsterdam to Western Canada deals available this time with a Star Alliance member Air Canada offering discounted return flights to Vancouver, Calgary or Edmonton routed via Toronto from €327! This is for a roundtrip ticket and includes all taxes, handbags, and onboard meals. There is no longer a checked bag in the base fare only available if you purchase separately for an extra fee. If interested in this offer you can refer to our booking samples below.
Check prices and Book Cheap flights and hotels Now
Flying from: Amsterdam
Flying to: Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton
Airline(s): Air Transat
Luggage: Handbag
Travel period: January to March 2023
Max stay: 12 months
Book by: Unknown
Booking sample
Amsterdam to Vancouver for €327
Amsterdam to Edmonton for €332
You can book your accommodation in Vancouver via or Also, you can further discount your hotel when using one of the following promo codes.
Booking sample of cheap Air Canada flights from Amsterdam to Vancouver for €327 roundtrip! Also as per our above lead to the deal, you would fly from the Netherlands to the West Coast of Canada on the 14th of March. Inbound from Vancouver back to Amsterdam on the 22nd of March 2023.