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One more interesting deal from the UK to South East Asia with Saudia (SkyTeam) is available to Malaysia! The cheapest return tickets from London Heathrow airport to Kuala Lumpur are available for £374 incl. taxes, onboard meals, and checked luggage.
Flying from: London Heathrow
Flying to: Kuala Lumpur
Airline(s): Saudia
Luggage: 1x23kg bag
Outbound travel dates: From the second half of March to the first half of October 2022
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Max stay: 6 months
Book by: Unknown
Booking samples
London to Kuala Lumpur for £374
See also:
Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur for €364
Booking sample of cheap return flights from the UK to Malaysia for £374! As per our booking sample, you would depart from London Heathrow airport to Kuala Lumpur on the 7th of May returning from Malaysia to the United Kingdom on the 21st of May 2022.