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Pestana Hotels: Up to 35% Discount


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pestana bahia praia azores

Portuguese hotel chain Pestana is offering two interesting discounts, officially reaching up to 35% (sometimes even higher). To take advantage of this offer, you have to book a room before June 30, 2020. You’ll usually start with a 14-19% discount, but the longer you stay, the higher your discount will become.

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Amenities like free Wi-Fi, spa and gym access are included in this offer, if available. Participating hotels are mainly holiday resorts in Portugal’s Algarve. Further, hotels in Berlin, London, Porto, Lisbon, and Barcelona are part of the offer as well. The most exotic destination is Pestana Bahia Praia

on Azore Island Sao Miguel.
pestana london
15% discount for one night in London
pestana madeira en
38% discount for 5 nights in Madeira, incl. breakfast

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You can just follow a link above and select one of the two ongoing promotions (select long stay, unless you’re only going to be spending a single night at the hotel). Then pick a hotel from the drop down menu. Further down you’ll find a gallery, highlighting participating hotels & resorts as well as their lowest rate offered. Rooms rates are displayed with the discount already applied.

There is no need for advance payment to use these offers. A further discount will be given to members of Pestana’s reward program.

Participating hotels are near the airports displayed on the map.

* What the star implies: Links marked with a * mean that we will receive a commission if a booking or a specific action is made via the linked provider. There will be no additional costs for you, and in return, we can offer you Travel-Dealz without annoying display advertisement. Also, we won't receive any money just by setting links.

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