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Return flights from Billund, Denmark to Tirana, Albania for €19!

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Return flights from Billund, Denmark to Tirana, Albania for €19!

Travelers in Denmark that are looking for not that common destination within Europe may consider budget flights to Tirana, Albania also ath the end of the summer season when departing from Billund. The cheapest non-stop flights are available for just €19 return. The lowest prices are available for WIZZ Discount Club members when traveling on the WIZZ Air Basic fare with an under-seat carry-on item. If you are not a WIZZ Discount Club member then cheap flights are still available for only €19

with their Basic fare. Prices are for a roundtrip and inclusive of all taxes, fees, and one item of under-seat carry-on luggage with WIZZ Air. Overhead and checked luggage is available for an additional fee.

The fare class is Basic. The cheapest price is available when booking with the WIZZ Discount Club which you can join from €29.99 for a year’s membership. The membership is not required for bookings although you will pay slightly more for your flights. Full details of the WIZZ Discount Club benefits can be found here. There are no details on the end of this deal so if you are interested in flying to Iceland, we advise booking as soon as possible.

Flying from: Billund

Flying to: Tirana

Airline(s): WizzAir

Luggage: Small cabin bag

Travel period: June and August 2022 to March 2023

Book by: Unknown

Booking sample

Billund to Tirana, Albania from €19 with or without WIZZ Air membership


You can book your accommodation in Albania with the best rates over at or

Booking sample of cheap flights from Denmark to Albania from €19 return! As per our booking, your outbound flight from Billund to Tirana on the 14th of September returning from this unique destination in Europe back to Denmark on the 21st of September 2022.

Return flights from Billund, Denmark to Tirana, Albania for €19!

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