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Return flights from Copenhagen to Johannesburg, South Africa for €320!

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Return flights from Copenhagen to Johannesburg, South Africa  for €384!

The Star Alliance partners, Swiss and Lufthansa, have some good deals to South Africa available for travelers in Denmark. You can fly to the city of Johannesburg from Copenhagen for as little as €320. The history-filled streets of Johannesburg can be a perfect place to bookend a “Big Five” safari tour when you visit South Africa. All prices are for a roundtrip and inclusive of taxes, fees, and hand luggage. Checked luggage is available for an extra fee.

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Flying from: Copenhagen

Flying to: Johannesburg

Airline(s): Swiss Air Lines, Lufthansa

Luggage: Handbag only

Outbound travel dates: From the second half of January to June 2023 (excl. Easter Holidays)

Max stay: 3 months

Book by: Unknown

Booking samples

Copenhagen to Johannesburg for €320

Booking sample of cheap Swiss/Lufthansa flights from Denmark to South Africa for €320! As per our booking, your outbound flight from Copenhagen to Johannesburg is on the 23rd of January and returning on the 6th of February 2023.

Return flights from Copenhagen to Johannesburg, South Africa for €320!

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