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Return flights from Germany to Paphos, Cyprus from €16!

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Return flights from Germany to Paphos, Cyprus from €12!

Flexible travelers that can depart in the next few weeks have some low-cost options to visit Cyprus for a cheap €16 both ways with a low-cost airline Ryanair. Look for flights between Memmingen, Cologne or Berlin and Paphos

. All prices are for a roundtrip and inclusive of taxes and fees. Overhead luggage and checked luggage is available for an additional fee. Fare class is Standard. Upgrading to have baggage is a Plus

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fare that allows you to have priority seating (board the plane earlier), a cabin bag, reserved seating, and a 20kg checked bag.

Flying from: Memmingen, Cologne, Berlin

Flying to: Paphos

Airline(s): Ryanair

Luggage: Small cabin bag

Travel period: February 2022

Book by: Unknown

Booking sample

Memmingen to Cyprus for €16

Berlin to Cyprus for €16

Cologne to Cyprus for €18

Booking sample of cheap return flights from Germany to Cyprus for just €16! As per our booking, your outbound flight from Memmingen to Paphos would be on the 29th of November returning from Cyprus to Germany on the 10th of December 2021.

Return flights from Germany to Paphos, Cyprus from €16!

Original Article

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