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VIDEO: Maskless 2-year-old eating yoghurt kicked off Spirit Airlines flight

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VIDEO: Maskless 2-year-old eating yoghurt kicked off Spirit Airlines flight


Entire flight deplaned over maskless toddler.

A Spirit Airlines flight attendant was kicked off a Florida flight for forcing all passengers off the plane because a 2-year-old girl was not wearing a mask.

In a video posted online, a Spirit crew member tells a family they must leave the Atlantic City-bound flight after spotting the toddler eating yogurt on her mother’s lap.

“The baby?” asked the mom.

“A lot of kids aren’t wearing masks,” said a woman sitting beside the family.

“You’ve been sitting next to me,” said the father. “Was I wearing the mask the whole time? Was I wearing the mask the whole time everybody?”

As the family protest against their removal, the female flight attendant repeats several times the family was in “non-compliance with the mask policy.”

“It’s not my choice,” she says. “You have to take your stuff and get off. We’re done talking. The pilot wants you off, so you have to get off.”

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In a second video, all passengers can be seen deplaning as the father, who is wearing a yarmulke, says directly to the camera: “the captain was OK with it, the entire plane was OK with it but there was one African American that was not OK with it.”

According to reports, after all passengers had deplaned, a male Spirit Airlines flight attendant working on the flight was escorted through the terminal and did not return for the flight.

The family were rebooked on a flight later that day.

“We have allowed the guests to continue on the flight to their destination after assurances of compliance,” a Spirit spokesman said.

NEW – Family is being thrown off a @SpiritAirlines flight from Orlando to NY because their two-year-old child is eating without a

— 🚨 (@disclosetv) April 5, 2021

HAPPENING NOW: @SpiritAirlines forces entire flight leaving Orlando, en route to Atlantic City, to deplane after a 2 years 1 month old child takes her mask off. The family has a special needs child with them as well.

— Lakewood News Network (@LakewoodNewsNet) April 5, 2021

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