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Cheap full-service flights from Italy to Burkina Faso from €366 return!

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Turkish Airlines offers cheap flights from the main airports in Italy to Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. Experienced travelers may book return flights from Milan, Rome, Venice or Bologna for €366 roundtrip. This is including all taxes and fees, onboard meals, and 2x23kg of checked luggage. Flights have one layover in Istanbul on the way from Europe to Africa. There can be an additional short stop in Conakry on the way back. You can book this deal directly with Turkish Airlines

or your preferred booking agent. If interested in this offer you can refer to our booking samples below.

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Flying from: Milan, Rome, Venice, Bologna

Flying to: Ouagadougou

Airline(s): Turkish Airlines

Luggage: 2x23kg bags

Outbound travel dates: November 2022 to March 2023 (excl. Christmas)

Max stay: 1 month

Book by: 14th of July

Booking samples

Venice – Burkina Faso from €366

Milan – Burkina Faso from €367

Rome – Burkina Faso from €368

Bologna – Burkina Faso from €368

Naples – Burkina Faso from €408

You can book your accommodation in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso via or Also, you can further discount your hotel when using one of the following promo codes.

Hotelopia 6% discount

Booking sample of cheap return flights from Italy to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso from €366! As per our booking sample date of your outbound flight from Venice to this African country would be on the 7th of February. Inbound flight from Burkina Faso back to Italy on the 20th of February 2023.

Cheap full-service flights from Italy to Burkina Faso from €366 return!

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