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Etihad flights from Athens to the United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, Dubai) for just €129 return!

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Etihad flights from Athens to the United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, Dubai) for just €129 return!

Wizzair is running a low-cost solution from Greece to the United Arab Emirates hence well-ranked Etihad Airways has to go much lower than usual on flights between Europe and Abu Dhabi and/or Dubai now offering very cheap (non-stop) flights from Athens

to the UAE for just €129! However, unlike most of the routes, there is no checked-in luggage included in the base fare otherwise both deals are for a roundtrip and include all airport taxes and fees, onboard meals, and handbags.

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Flying from: Athens

Flying to: Abu Dhabi, Dubai

Airline(s): Etihad Airways

Luggage: handbag

Travel period: From January to June 2022

Max stay: 1 month

Book by: 23rd of January

Booking sample

Athens to Abu Dhabi or Dubai for €153 (direct booking with Etihad, consider this promo code)

Athens to Abu Dhabi for €129

Athens to Dubai for €129

Athens to Asia or Seychelles from €396

Booking sample of cheap full-service Etihad flights from Amsterdam to Dubai, UAE for €129! In this case, you would depart from the Netherlands to the United Arab Emirates on the 15th of May. Return from the Middle East country back to Amsterdam Schiphol airport on the 22nd of May 2022.

Etihad flights from Athens to the United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, Dubai) for just €129 return!

Original Article

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