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Full-service return flights from Madrid to Kinshasa, DR Congo just for €264!

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Full-service return flights from Madrid to Kinshasa, DR Congo just for €264!

Experienced travelers may consider these super cheap full-service return flights with TAAG Angola Airlines (with help of TAP) from Madrid, Spain to Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo, available just for €264! This is for a roundtrip ticket including airport taxes, meals, handbags, and two checked-in luggage in the base fare. Flights have a layover in Luanda, Angola and also require an additional long layover in Lisbon on the way out you would have to accept on the other hand this is a great way to explore another city on the way. This is by far the cheapest offer from Europe to this country in Africa we have ever seen!

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Flying from: Madrid

Flying to: Kinshasa

Airline(s): TAAG, TAP

Luggage: 2x23kg bags

Outbound travel dates: November 2022

Max stay: 3 months

Book by: Unknown

Booking samples

Madrid to Kinshasa from €264

Travel samples

02.11. – 10.11.

04.11. – 17.11.

09.11. – 24.11.

11.11. – 24.11.

16.11. – 01.12.

23.11. – 08.12.

25.11. – 15.12.

Booking sample of cheap full-service TAAG return flights from Spain to DR Congo for €292! As per our booking, your outbound flight from Madrid to Kinshasa will be on the 9th of November returning from Africa back to Portugal on the 24th of November 2022.

Full-service return flights from Madrid to Kinshasa, DR Congo just for €264!

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