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We have spotted more interesting deals from Europe to remote Comoros with SkyTeam partner airlines Air France, KLM, and Kenya Airways. Based on their service you can book discounted flights from Denmark, Norway or Sweden to Moroni, Comoros available from €506 for a roundtrip ticket that is inclusive of checked-in luggage included in the base fare. Limited availability in said travel period though…
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Flying from: Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Billund
Flying to: Moroni
Airline(s): Kenya Airways
Luggage: 2x23kg bag
Outbound travel dates: September, November 2022, or in January 2023
Max stay: 12 months
Book by: Unknown
Booking samples
Booking sample of cheap full-service return flights from Scandinavia to Comoros for €4419! Outbound from Oslo to Moroni on the 5th of November. Inbound from Comoros back to Europe via Nairobi and Paris or Amsterdam on the 18th of November 2022.