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Last minute flights from Stockholm to Phuket for €260 return!

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Flexbile travelers in Scandinavia have some great opportunity to book last-minute flights to various exotic holiday destinations. This time you can consider flying from Stockholm to Phuket for just €260return! This deal is based on charter provider TUIfly Nordic. If you can depart in the next few days you can book incredibly cheap flights.

At this moment few last-minute options are available in March 2022. You have more flexibility on the deals to Asia. Please refer to below booking sample if interested in this deal. Once you proceed to the next step you will receive an offer for two passengers. Simply change to one passenger in the menu on the left side. The price will be automatically updated.

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Booking sample

Stockholm to Phuket for €260

Travel samples

11.03. – 26.03.

18.03. – 02.04.

Need accommodation in one of the above destinations you may use or consider the following promo codes.: Hotelopia. To check your connection possibilities we recommend using the service of Skyscanner.

Booking sample of cheap Last minute flights from Stockholm to Phuket just for €260 return! In this case, you would fly from Stockholm to Asia on the 18th of March. Your return flight from this exotic holiday destination back to Europe would be on the 2nd of April 2022.

Original Article

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