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Return flights from Brussels to Buenos Aires with Iberia from €358!

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Return flights from Brussels to Buenos Aires with Iberia from €358!

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Another competitive deal from Belgium to Argentina this time based on the promotion of Oneworld member Iberia! Flights for a low price of €358 are around right now for departures from Brussels

to the Argentian capital Buenos Aires. All deals are for a roundtrip and inclusive of taxes, fees, and hand luggage. Checked luggage is available for an extra fee. Flights have usually just one short layover in Madrid in both directions.

Welcome to the capital of Argentina! You can find and book your accommodation for Buenos Aires by heading to or You can also book this deal directly with Iberia where you can compare all the cheapest flights. or when you have your dates, head over to Skyscanner to find the cheapest flights. Our Skyscanner Ultimate Guide will help you find the cheapest possible prices for you!

Flying from: Brussels

Flying to: Buenos Aires

Airline(s): Iberia

Luggage: handbag

Outbound travel dates: September to November 2022

Max stay: 12 months

Book by: 24th of January

Booking samples

Brussels – Buenos Aires from €405 (Book with Iberia)

Brussels – Buenos Aires from €358

Booking sample of cheap flights from Brussels to Buenos Aires from €358! As per our booking your outbound flight from Brussels to Argentina would be on the 8th of November returning on the 22nd of November 2022.

Return flights from Brussels to Buenos Aires with Iberia from €358!

Original Article

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