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Return flights from Luxembourg to Mombasa, Kenya for €360!

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Return flights from Luxembourg to Mombasa, Kenya or Zanzibar from €360!

Lufthansa/Eurowings are offering competitive deals from Luxembourg to tropical Mombasa in Kenya. The cheapest return flights are available for €360 incl. all taxes and fees, meals and handbags in the base fare. You can purchase checked luggage for an additional fee. Flights have one layover in Frankfurt and there is an additional short stop in Mombasa in both directions if you decide to go to Zanzibar.

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Flying from: Luxembourg

Flying to: Mombasa

Airline(s): Lufthansa, Eurowings

Luggage: Handbag

Outbound travel dates: May and June or September to November 2022

Max stay: 2 months

Book by: Unknown

Booking sample

Luxembourg to Mombasa for €360

Booking sample of cheap return flights from Luxembourg to Mombasa, Kenya or Zanzibar from €360! As per our booking sample, you would depart from Lux to Mombasa in Kenya on the 5th of November. Inbound flight from Africa back to Luxembourg airport on the 19th of December 2022.

Return flights from Luxembourg to Mombasa, Kenya or Zanzibar from €360!

Original Article

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