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Return flights with Air France-KLM to Panama from Germany from €355!

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Return flights with Air France-KLM to Panama from Germany from €355!

Good offer to book cheap return flights to Panama from Germany based on Air France and KLM. Look for roundtrip flights from Hamburg, Munich, Berlin, Dusseldorf. Nuremberg, Bremen, Hannover or Frankfurt to Panama City next winter season. Air tickets are now available from €373! This fare is for a round trip and includes all taxes and fees. Note that there is no checked-in luggage in base fare and you would need to purchase separately for an extra fee. We recommend using the service of Skyscanner

to quickly find out which low-cost airline is connected from your hometown. If you need to compare affordable accommodation in Panama consider the service of leading hotel booking sites such as or

Flying from: Hamburg, Munich, Berlin, Dusseldorf. Nuremberg, Bremen, Hannover or Frankfurt

Flying to: Panama City

Airline(s): Air France-KLM

Luggage: Handbag

Outbound travel dates: May and June or in September 2022

Max stay: 3 months

Book by: 24th of March

Booking samples

Hamburg – Panama from €355

Berlin – Panama from €365

Dusseldorf – Panama from €365

Munich – Panama from €370

Frankfurt – Panama from €370 (but we recommend non-stop flights with Lufthansa for €393 – same booking sample)

Bremen – Panama from €423

Travel dates are the easiest to search directly via Air France as they offer +- 3 days searching tool. Most of the flights have one layover in Paris or Amsterdam on your way. Very few options are partly operated by Delta Airlines with a layover in Atlanta. You would need either a US visa or ESTA certificate if you decide to move on such a route…

Booking sample of Air France-KLM cheap flight from Germany to Panama for €355 is below. In this case, you would be departing on the 5th of May from Hamburg to Panama City. You would be returning from Central America to Germany on the 19th of May 2022.

Return flights with Air France-KLM to Panama from Germany from €355!

Original Article

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